Intel seems to be preparing a big launch for the mobile phone market through a new processor. It has been active on the mobile phone market since 2001 when it introduced its Xscale processor series, but has never been able to get a foot in on the “regular” mobile phone market, but was usually found in smartphones and more advanced models. Intel is working on at new mobile phone platform that would be cheaper and easier to integrate even with less advanced phones. Intel’s new solution is based on a chip code-named Tavor, a single-chip design with mobile-processor and application-processor in one. By shrinking the manufacturing pocess to 65nm and other small optimizations it has been able to shrink the size of the circuit and the manufacturing costs.
Intel is not going for the real budget phones but is expected to go for CDMA-based 3G phones. It will not launch Tavor for GSM-based networks.
Source: TG Daily