Intel has stated that it has now started to ship 65nm-based processors called Presler. Presler is Intel’s next processor series with dual cores and is expected to replace today’s Pentium D-processors on the consumer market. That it has already started to ship its Presler-processors commercially shows that Intel has done very well with its new 65nm manufacturing process. The new process is very important to Intel which is suffering from severe power consumption problems and high heat dissipation with today’s processors, single and dual core. Presler will use 4MB L2-cache (2MB per core) and is expected to be launch ed at 2.80GHz, 3.00GHz, 3.20GHz and 3.40GHz with a 800MHz processor bus.
There are rumours of an Extreme Edition of Presler working at 3.46GHz with a but at 1066MHz and also supporting HyperThreading. when Intel will launch Presler officially remains to see but it seems to have the capacity to do so very soon.
Source: X-bit Labs