Sandy Bridge is the next generation microarchitecture from the world’s largest chip maker Intel. The first products will target the mobile segment and the mid-range desktop market with a powerful integrated graphics processor. The launch date has now been set and it is January 9th.

Intel is planning the official launch for the first week of 2011 and most likely before CES starting January 6th. Sales are expected to start the week after with sales of components and systems based on Sandy Bridge on January 9th.

Sandy Bridge will be made with Intel’s 32 nanometer technology and beside two to four processor cores it has the integrated graphics processor that is expected to deliver performance on the level of current discrete entry level graphics cards. A great leap for Intel and the PC market as a whole.

Intel is set to launch a massive fleat of Sandy Bridge processors in January 2011 and together with new chipsets supporting SATA 6.0 Gbps and USB 3.0 through an added controller.

Sandy Bridge processors for desktops

Cores / Threads
Clock / Turbo
L3 Cache
GPU clock/ Turbo
Core i7-2600K
4 / 8
3,4 / 3,8 GHz
8 MB
850 / 1.350 MHz
95 W
Core i7-2600
4 / 8
3,4 / 3,8 GHz
8 MB
850 / 1.350 MHz
95 W
Core i7-2600S
4 / 8
2,8 / 3,8 GHz
8 MB
850 / 1.100 MHz
65 W
Core i5-2500K
4 / 4
3,3 / 3,7 GHz
6 MB
850 / 1.100 MHz
95 W
Core i5-2500
4 / 4
3,3 / 3,7 GHz
6 MB
850 / 1.100 MHz
95 W
Core i5-2500S
4 / 4
2,7 / 3,7 GHz
6 MB
850 / 1.100 MHz
65 W
Core i5-2500T
4 / 4
2,3 / 3,3 GHz
6 MB
650 / 1.250 MHz
45 W
Core i5-2400
4 / 4
3,1 / 3,4 GHz
6 MB
850 / 1.100 MHz
95 W
Core i5-2400S
4 / 4
2,5 / 3,3 GHz
6 MB
850 / 1.100 MHz
65 W
Core i5-2390T
2 / 4
2,7 / 3,5 GHz
3 MB
650 / 1.100 MHz
35 W
Core i3-2120
2 / 4
3,3 / – GHz
3 MB
850 / 1.100 MHz
65 W
Core i3-2100
2 / 4
3,1 / – GHz
3 MB
850 / 1.100 MHz
65 W
Core i3-2100T
2 / 4
2,5 / – GHz
3 MB
650 / 1.100 MHz
35 W


Sandy Bridge processorer for mobiles

Cores /Threads
Clock / Turbo
L3 Cache
Core i7-2920XM
4 / 8
2,5 / 3,5 GHz
8 MB
55 W
Core i7-2820QM
4 / 8
2,3 / 3,4 GHz
8 MB
45 W
Core i7-2720QM
4 / 8
2,2 / 3,3 GHz
6 MB
45 W
Core i7-2620M
2 / 4
2,7 / 3,4 GHz
4 MB
35 W
Core i5-2540M
2 / 4
2,6 / 3,3 GHz
3 MB
35 W
Core i5-2520M
2 / 4
2,5 / 3,2 GHz
3 MB
35 W
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