The integrated graphic circuit makes a big part of the total graphic card market and ATi has with its Xpress 200 IGP-chipset to compete with Intel Extreme Graphics while nVidia recently launched its first integrated graphic circuit for a very long time, GeForce 6100. It seems nVidia is a bit too late as Intel who is having problems with the high demand of chipsets with integrated chipsets signed an agreement with ATi which means that Intel will use ATi’s Xpress 200 IGP-chipsets with its coming mainboards. The mainboards will be branded by Inteland geared towards the low end segment, which confirms the earlier rumours that Intel will start using other companies chipsets to cover this segment.
If this is correct it won’t make much of a difference for Intel which is apparently producing more chipsets than it is capable of. It simply needs help from others to cover all mainboards with chipset, but this is definitely a nice perk for ATi.
Source: Toms Hardware