Intel India Development Center (IIDC) is according to new information one of the facilities which Intel has dedicated to develop the company’s coming mobile and SFF platforms. The factory is located in Bangalore, India, and is currently working on chipsets for Intel’s Napa SFF platform, but also its mobile platform Santa Rosa. Except from chipsets Intel has announced that IIDC is also evaluating the company’s server processors of the 5300 and 7100 series. IIDC is Intel’s second largest research and development plant outside of the USA.
The fact that these platforms are being made in India isn’t as interesting as the platforms themselves. Napa SFF is a new and exciting concept which is intended for smaller notebooks with mobility as the primary feature. The platform has a 50 percent smaller formfactor and a battery capacity of up to 12 hours, which should be enough to make most busy travellers yearn for it.
“The new systems deliver breakthrough capabilities to make entertainment truly mobile for people on the move, improve responsiveness and efficiency of mobile workers. These systems have been designed for global market needs and are prominently deployed in Japan,'”