Apple iTunes is the largest music store on the Internet and as most of you know songs downlodad from iTunes can only be played on a computer or with Apple’s iPod players. Now the Norwegian consumers’ rights department has found some things with how iTunes handles the rights for its music that seems unclear, which has lead to that it is now accusing iTunes for breaking the marketing laws they have in Norway. The problem is according to Forbrukarerådet that the users has very few, if any, rights while iTunes takes almost no responsibilities. Among others it is critical to how iTunes are handling the rights by changing them for the already downloaded music. Similar demands are made by other download services, which it will take a closer look at later on.
How far this will go remains to see, but I don’t think anyone out there would complain if you got the oportunity to use iTunes’ music with other players as well, even though that will most likely never happen.
Source: Forbrukarrådet (Norwegian)