Small preview imageSaturday our two OC gurus Marcus ‘Kinc’ Hultin and Robert ‘crotale’ Kihlberg managed to reach 89,120 points with 3DMark 2001. A new world record, but at the same time ridiculously close to the dream breaking 90,000. Marcus made new attempts yesterday and has now been able to reach and as the first person ever go past 90,000 with Futuremark’s 3DMark 2001 by scoring 90,702 points. The key to the success was a new processor which could be clocked to 5.1GHz and another PowerColor X1950XTX which was able to handle the temperatures of real cooling.

Marcus isn’t done of course, but unfortunately he ran out of liquid nitrogen so you wil have to keep cool for a little longer before we can tell you for sure where the limit is for this system. The specifications can be seen below, but there is more to get from the processor if we’re lucky.

CPU: X6800 @ 5104MHz (liquid nitrogen at -130°C)
Motherboard: ASUS P5B Deluxe
Memory: Corsair C3 6400 1:1, 3-3-3-12 @ 2.85v
Graphics: PowerColor X1950XTX CrossFire 882/1143MHz
Graphics card cooling: Mousepot + LN2 and caskade
PSU: Cooltek 600W

To finish up we can show you the current top5 of 3DMark 2001:

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