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Matrox has made a reputation for its multi-monitor solutions where DualHead2Go and TripleHead2Go have been the reason for quite a few headlines. These devices are simply connected in between the computer’s graphics card and the monitors, making it possible to use more monitors than what the graphics card is capable of handling from scratch. Matrox has now launched a new version of TripleHead2Go, which remedies one of the biggest limitations of the previous model, namely support for the digital interface. Previously it was only possible to use an analog VGA signal, which is far from optimal as most people use digital TFT/LCD monitors. With a digital signal all the way through the system the image quality should improve significantly, while the compatibility will be broader as well.

“TripleHead2Go Digital Edition’s support of an ultra-wide screen resolution of 3840×1024 will enable gaming enthusiasts with a digital video card—that supports dual-link output—to enjoy a totally immersive Surround Gaming experience. Surround Gaming involves expanding supported 3D games across three displays and provides for a greater in-game field of view.”

This leaves only one problem, the need of having to buy the device and a set of monitors.

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