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The new display interface DisplayPort isn’t very common yet but there a couple of monitors but also graphics card that support the interface. Classic graphics card maker Matrox has launched two new products for DisplayPort and these graphics cards are made for those looking for plenty of desktop space. Matrox M9138 and Matrox M9148 support no less than 3 and 4 DisplayPort monitors each.

Matrox DisplayPort graphics cards are part of the M series and has 1GB memory buffer than enables 2560×1600 pixel resolution with each output. Both cards are low-profile format and fits inside most systems. Even if the cards are not intended for advanced 3D gaming it has full Windows Vista Aero (WDDM) support and passive cooling for complete silence.

Matrox points out that you can very well use two cards at the same time and power up to 8 monitors simultaneously. Eight 30″ LCD monitors with 2560×1600 resolution is nothing to snort at.

The graphics cards with PCIe x16 will be available soon and cost around $400 and $650.

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