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Matrox has been working with multi-monitor configurations since the beginning of time, that’s at least how long it feels. However where the multiple monitor support has been flourishing the raw performance has not. Therefore we were very enthusiastic when it launched its Triplehead2Go, that, according to Matrox, would make it possible to use up to three monitors to reach a wide resolution at 3840x1024px and that by using any video card. Using two GeForce 7900 GTX video cards in a SLI configuration and play Quake 4 or perhaps Oblivion at 3840×1024 sounds like a dream to the serious gamer. At Bit-Tech they’ve paired Matrox Triplehead2Go with two of NVIDIA’s video card flagships to see how that works.

“On a big screen, things look better. Console gamers with 40″ LCDs and Xbox 360s know what I’m talking about. However, the Triplehead2Go brings the big screen experience to the desktop, and which you prefer will depend on whether you like to be at your desk (literally) surrounded by your game or sat 6 foot away from it on the sofa.”

Matrox Triplehead2Go is a truly exciting product that seems to do most things right and even if there are some minor problems the money it would take to get all the hardware you need is most likely the biggest obstacle. But we assume few would say no to such a system.

:: Read on at Bit-Tech

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