AMD has with the Radeon HD 6800 series entered the 3D market and launched its own Stereoscopic 3D technology, AMD HD3D. The technology that is also supported by older graphics cards it not something we should pay that much attention to, at least according to software giant Microsoft.

Microsoft has already pointed out that the market for Stereo-3D is too small to put any effort into. It has once again given the 3D concept a slap and compared it to a research experiment.

In an interview with CNN Phil Spencer, Chief of Microsoft Game Studios, went on to explain the problem with current 3D technology. Even if Microsoft supports Stereo-3D with its video game console Xbox 360 the technology is a bit too cumbersome to be consumer friendly. Not the least the demand for expensive glasses to enjoy the game, but also the fact that hundreds of thousands has to get new TVs.

“As an entertainment company, we’re trying to do things that millions of people can go enjoy today,” sade Phil Spencer. “And for better or for worse, people just don’t really have TVs in their house right now that are going to do 3-D in a way that’s going to work.”

Just like most consumers Microsoft sees the key to success with 3D is to do without the glasses. Phil Spencer says that he appreciates Nintendo’s attempt wit hthe portable video game console 3DS, even if he hasn’t tried it yet, but simply because it offers 3D effects without glasses.

We hope to see something similar among PCs in the not too distant future.

Source: CNN

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