Microsoft Xbox Crystal Limited Edition


Once again it’s time for Microsoft to tease all console-gamers with a new limited edition of their XBOX. Most of you have probably already heard of the Xbox Limited Edition and back then it was a green translucent model which looked a bit cooler then the original black. Microsoft’s latest creation, which will be sold in limitied quantities in Europe to celebrate the two year aniversery, will go by the name Xbox Crystale. The name tells of you of the new design which is crystaltranslucent with white details. Even the the controlpads that comes along are in this very nice design. In my personal oppinion this gives a very sober impression and clearly feels like the best model so far, purely estetic that is. When it comes to the hardware there are no differences so far, which is no surprise really,

At Xbit-labs they have got their hands on some pictures of the beauty and the need will be overwhelming for some …

The limited console should be expected somewhere around spring and the date mentioned is March 2nd, which is the 2 years aniversery day for the Xbox Europe launch. The price will land on ~1800 SEK (Exchange rates)and the question is how many will be made…


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