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Microsoft Zune will most likely be the name of one of the biggest PMP player launches (Portabel Media Player) so far. What makes us say this are the specifications that have been circulating, which seem mighty impressive and in some cases display fresh thinking. At the same time it is actually Microsoft we’re talking about, when it decides to something it usually does all the way, no holding back. We expect the same with its PMP player Zune, which will battle Apple’s iPod family. A bit similar to Microsoft’s Xbox, which it despite some initial problems managed to establish as one of the big three.

The launch of Microsoft Zune seems to be quite similar to the one of Xbox, Microsoft has namely announced that it is not expecting to make ends meet with Zunes during the first year. The Xbox was sold for several years before it actually went on the plus side. It does not expect Zune to pay off until 3-5 years, which perhaps might show Micrisoft is prepared to do to bring Apple down. It costs to be on top and Microsoft knows this better than anyone else, while it at the same time has more money than most.

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