Apple has been beating the big multimedia drum during its event on October 12th and except for launching a fifth generation iPod it has also launched a new iMac G5. iMac G5 is a complete computer in the sense that all of the components have been squeezed together into a case that sits behind the LCD-monitor. The new model of iMac G5 is even more slim and beneath the shell you will find a G5-processor at 1.9GHz or 2.1GHz, a PCIe-based Radeon X600 Pro/XT graphic card with 128MB minne, 512MB DDR2-SDRAM etc. The new iMac G5 will be available in two versions, one with 17″ monitor and one with 20″. Both offers the same new features that Apple has presented.
Hardwarewise it has an integrated web camera in the top of the monitor, Apple iSight, and the system uses a SuperDrive for various optical formats. iMac G5 is of course fully integrated with iTunes but those who wants a more attractive interface for its media entertainment Apple has launched the Front Row system. It consists out of a special remote, much like iPod shuffle, and a software very similar to Windows Media Center. As usual the keys are cleanliness and simplicity.
“Dazzle your friends with an elegant full-screen media display. Front Row transforms an evening of home movies or TV shows into a blockbuster Hollywood premiere. Or preview actual Hollywood blockbusters from the trailer website. Press ‘menu’ on the new Apple Remote to let Front Row take center stage with large text, intuitive menus and brilliant graphics. No setup required.”
The new iMac G5 will be available from $1,299 and Apple continues to broaden its applications for the multimedia market.