Nintendo Revolution is the thord gaming console of the next generation of consoles. First up is Microsoft with Xbox 360 and next PlayStation 3 whoch we’ve heard quite a lot of but it has been very quiet about Nintendo Revolution. The latest rumours was on the console’s specifications that was the least to say extreme and almost ridiculous. It seems that far from much was correct with these now that Nintendo itself releases “detailed” information on Nintendo Revolution and its minimalistic deisgn is the key. “In its final form, Revolution will be about the thickness of three standard DVD cases and only slightly longer. The versatile Revolution will play either horizontally or vertically, allowing the user total flexibility in setting up a gaming session wherever they have a television.” Nintendo has chosen to launch its smallest console ever with an height of a little more than an inch. Even though it will take some time before we wil see the console its hard to imagine how Nintendo will be able to fit competitive hardware into such a small design. Except for the size of the console Nintendo announcs that Revolution will be backwardscompatible and rely on wireless technology right out of the box. The console will also boot up quicker and work without any noicy cooling. Nintendo Revolution should appear in stores sometime during 2006, any more information is not available at the time. Source: Nintendo
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