Circuit maker NVIDIA has regained its momentum on the graphics card market and is gaining even more so in the portable device segment. Its Tegra 2 circuit is starting to appear in mobile phones and tablets. It has been revealed that NVIDIA is working on a more powerful model with 1.2 GHz clock frequency called Tegra 2 3D.

Tergra 2 3D will boost muscles for powering 3D material and this is possible through higher clock frequencies with the two Cortex-A9 CPU cores, up fro m1 GHz to 1.2 GHz.

Tegra 2 3D, also known as T25/AP25, follows in the 3D trend and will offer performance up to 5,520 MIPS. The roadmaps that are expected to be presented in Barcelona during Mobile World Congress next week reveal that NVIDIA is considering a Spring launch and that manufacturers of smartphones and tablets should pair it with 3D-compatible displays.


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Just like Nintendo, NVIDIA is expected to rely on 3D technology from Master Image. The TN-LCD display with cell matrix parallax offers so called autostereoscopic 3D, which simply means you don’t need glasses to experience 3D effects.

Our technology uses a group of cells, by column unit, to form the parallax barrier instead of using conventional stripe type cells.  This methodology creates more gaps between cells, allowing for more brightness and no crosstalk.   This also allows for the ability to switch between portrait and landscape modes, as well as the ability to switch between 2D and 3D modes, all without compromising picture quality.

The mobile game console Nintendo 3DS uses this technology and with twice the yields and tested 3D technology NVIDIA has found a product of its liking and it will try to sell it to manufacturers of smartphones and tablets.

NVIDIA is expected to talk more about Tegra 2 3D during MWC 2011 in Barcelona and hopefully we will get to know more about the first retail products.

Source: TechEye

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