NVIDIA’s SLI technology has become an important cog in NVIDIA’s machinery and it is something you will really notice with our upcoming review of the new flagship GeForce 7900 GTX. A good sign for this is perhaps that it is not solely focusing on stationary computers with SLI. We have earlier reported about how we would soon see laptops with SLI support, really exciting news which has not been officially confirmed, until now. NVIDIA has now announced that it will broaden its support for SLI to include laptops. The technology is made possible with NVIDIA’s nForce4 SLI chipset and two GeForce Go 7800 GT circuits, the result is, as we all know, considerably better 3D performance.
Considering laptops relatively high resolution displays some extra graphical power is welcomed and NVIDIA claims that we will soon see more laptops with 1920x1200px resolution. The last time we reported about SLI with laptops it was WidowPC that declared that it would launch such a computer. NVIDIA has now published a list of partners revealing about 20 manufacturers that will deliver laptops with SLI support.