The last week or so hasn’t been the for NVIDIA, publicity speaking. A wave of gloomy rumors surrounding the coming Fermi graphics circuit architecture have put a negative spin on things. As usual the rumors are unconfirmed and there it is hard to know what to make of them, but now that NVIDIA has posted a message on its official Twitter channel one can’t help to report about it. On Monday, February 22nd , there will be a major announcement.

Some claim, or dare we say hope, that it will be the unveiling of the Fermi architecture. Even if this is not impossible it won’t be a hardware launch, which NVIDIA more or less already revealed, but since neither media or manufacturers we have spoken too know anything concrete about the GeForce GTX 400 series the question is what NVIDIA will bring out to show the public, other than internal benchmarks for showing off performance.

NVIDIA has already revealed details on the base architecture of Fermi and even if we are still missing vital details most are set on that the next step will be the actual launch.

There is also the possibility that NVIDIA is launching something completely different from Fermi, in an attempt to steer away focus from the last week of rumors. Fermi aside there are a number of products NVIDIA could be launching, primarily the mobile Tegra 2 platform or Ion 2 that is expected to get a lot of attention at CeBIT next month.

ARE YOU READY? Check back here on Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. PST for a major announcement! – NVIDIA’s Twitter

NVIDIA is of course aware that a statement made on Twitter will be derived to Fermi and it is risking even more criticism from consumers and partner if it continues to pretend as if nothing has happened.

Most likely NVIDIA will attempt to soothe consumers and partners that have been bombarded with stories on the “be or not to be” of Fermi and GeForce GTX 400 series. And yes, we’re ready. We’ve been ready for months.

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14 Årtal sedan

This is good news indeed. AMD got my upgrade money in the form of a X4 940 from an Intel e6600 when the prices of 45nm Intel quad cores were a bit too high for my tastes. If AMD can get low priced hexacore CPUs to the market around the same time Intel does, they can at least keep their current market share. Should multithreading show up in these things though, that’s when we could see them competing with Intel on a clock-for-clock basis. Factor in the lower prices and AMD could have a real winner on their hands.

14 Årtal sedan

SURPRISE! It’s another re-branded g92b chip!!

..Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

14 Årtal sedan

Looks like it’s started.

GTX 480 available for preorder: . Oh, yea its 700 USD. Suddenly, 300 for the 5850 doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.

Looks like they’ll have some on display at PAX east this year, and hint that they might have some for sale: . Hopefully they don’t sell all 6 good wafers :dry: