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Plextor PlexEraser is truly a CD/DVD burner. The unit has namely been designed to destroy data stored on optical media with the help of laser technology. Instead of crushing or grinding the discs into pulp, PlexEraser uses a more delicate method which also makes it possible to recycle the discs. Which of course isn’t possible when you use harsher physical methods. The unit doesn’t have to be connected to a PC to be used but only requires power and will work at a sound level of 35 decibel. Which we assume is less than what most other, more physical, units can do.

PlexEraser supports most 12cm and 8cm optical discs on the market and to erase a CD-R/RW you need about 3 minutes, a singe-layer DVD takes about the same amount of time, while a dual-layer DVD takes twice as long, 6 minutes. The price of the unit will be 249.99 USD.

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