NVIDIA has just launched its new flagship on the graphic card market and unfortunately we’ve had some logistics problems, which has delayed our test card, but we can already today offer some juicy information about NVIDIA’s new graphic circuit and show what is behind the new 512MB label. Despite that NVIDIA actually doesn’t make much fuzz about it there is considerably more than the extra 256MB memory it has installed, but here we’re talking about a true enthusiast card. In the true enthusiast spirit we gave the card to world record holder in 3Dmark Marcus “Kinc” Hultin and Robert “Crotale” Kihlberg to push NVIDIA’s flagship to the limit. In our preview of GeForce 7800 GTX 512MB you get a hint of what the card can do in the hands of some real enthusiasts. “Despite that the name of NVIDIA’s new flagship doesn’t indicate much of a difference there is more to it under the hood. GeForce 7800 GTX 512MB is NVIDIA’s 7800-architecture pushed to the limit with just one target in sight, reclaim the crown of performance from ATI and Radeon X1800 XT before they even have had a chance of making themselves comfortable. “
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