It’s been a while since our last review but don’t worry we’ve been building up. This time its the growing MP3-player market that gets a closer look. “NordicHardware has brought in five HDD-based MP3 players to the test lab. This is our first roundup of HDD-based players, so it is with great inclination for learning and joy to do the honors of testing these players.
This is no short standard review but as always when it comes to our multimedia reviews we try to supply you with a lot of information, and this time compare 5 different players. Our last comparison contained only MP3-players with flash memory as storage.
This time we only care for players with mechanical harddrives as storage.
We aim to find out what players are worth the price and these are hardly any “run of the mill” combatants.
What is a HDD MP3 player then? What differentiates them from the previous flash players we’ve tested?”
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