Many of you that have invested in a new and expensive LCD-monitor or TV have the hard way experienced that one or more of the pixels doesn’t work as they should. They could either be “dead” and not glow at all, or maybe got stuck in a color mode which makes them glow constantly in an annoying color. In most of the cases, a given number of pixels has to be dead in order to get the monitor replaced and because of this many have to simply live with it. Now it looks like a cure for this has came up though, and it’s not just simple, but easy to understand too. It’s a small program that hunts down your dead pixels and then tries to bring them to life by forcing them to change mode in fast sequences. The program is not reported to be 100% efficient, but many have tested and got their dead pixels revived on both LCD and Plasma displays. We can’t say more than it’s definetly worth a try.

:: Read more about UDPixel 2.1

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