Samsung has for long been boasting its flash-based harddrives and its first commercial solution is a 2.5″ flash harddrive with a capacity of 16GB and 32GB. We’ve seen this harddrive appear in several of Samsung’s own products, among others the notebook Samsung Q30-SSD. With extremely fast access times and low power consumption flash harddrives are a very interesting choice, especially to the portable market. So far it’s a very expensive choice, but the SSD drives seems to be gaining more and more people’s trust. Fujitsu has namely announced that it will launch a new option for its Lifebook Q and Lifebook B ultraportable PCs.
Simply, you can get your computer with Samsung’s SSD, either a 16GB or 32GB version. So far the option is only available in Japan and the prices aren’t exactly appealing, 700 USD for the 16GB model and 1400 USD for the 32GB model. Still, we like seeing how the SSD technology gets a broader audience and we’re looking forward to some more affortable models for regular users. Those who wants to see the differences when compared to a regular harddrive should head over to PC Watch. Two identical computers, one with SSD and one with a regular 5400 RPM 2.5″ harddrive are tested.