Intel‘s 975X chipset is a truly stable platform for the manufacturer’s high performance processors and with support for both Core Duo and the coming Core architecture it looks like a bright future for Intel’s flagship on the chipset market. If there is anything 975X has been missing it’s support for NVIDIA SLI, both ATI Crossfire and S3 Multichrome are multi-GPU technologies that are supported by the platform, but so far NVIDIA has been very strict with its SLI technology. Now some new information has surfaced, as a screenshot, that show how a Chinese user has activated SLI with his 975 motherboard and two GeFroce 7900GTX cards. At XtremeSystems they’ve discussed how this was done and it seems that they’ve used modified version of NVIDIA’s drivers to make SLI work with Intel’s platform.
These modified drivers seems to be hard to get a hold of and at the moment it’s just a user called Big_Sam that has published some benchmarks at Futuremark’s ORB with his 975X + 7900GTX SLI system. This at least show that the support is there in the hardware and what we can see from the results there doesn’t seem to any conflicts worth mentioning. The question remains when and if NVIDIA will let us consumers take part in this.