Microsoft has not been boasting about its innovations lately, something Apple has been doing quite a lot. Microsoft VP Steve Ballmer has now set out to reshape Microsoft into a company that will attack Appla on its home field.

Steve Ballmer says in an interview with CRN that Microsoft will not leave any space for Apple to innovate and the product that will be used to do that is Microsoft Surface – the new tablet concept. Microsoft Surface will be the start of a new era for Microsoft where Steve Ballmer declares war on Apple that is currently dominating the market with its tablet Ipad. During a speech before 16,000 of Microsoft’s partners at the annual Worldwide Partner Conference in Toront, Ballmer announced Microsoft’s plans.

– But we are not going to let any piece of this [go uncontested to Apple],” Ballmer shouted. “Not the consumer cloud. Not hardware software innovation. We are not leaving any of that to Apple by itself. Not going to happen. Not on our watch”


Microsoft seems conviinved that its venture with Windows 8 and Surface will take the fight with Apple for real and Ballmer says that it has many advantages over the competition. Including several advantages in productivity, business adjustments and server infrastructures in businesses. The most important message was that Microsoft will do everything in its power to trump Apple in every way imaginable.

– We do feel empowered to innovate everywhere and bring our partners with us. We are just not going to leave any — what’s the expression people like to use — We’re not going to leave any stone unturned, so to speak, as we pursue that, Ballmer said.

That Microsoft and not the least Steve Ballmer is very excited about the Surface concept is very obvious. Windows 8 will launch in October and most likely Surface will apear around the same time.

Even if Steve Ballmer is known as a loud speaker his rantings got boosted by the fact that none other than Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak expressed his delight over Microsoft Surface – a tablet he would like to try out himself.

– I’m glad that Microsoft is starting to show maybe they’re a different company than before, I don’t remember this sort of thing happening in a long, long time with Microsoft, so I’m very happy, Wozniak told the press.

When he during a conference i Chile even joked about Steve Jobs had resurrected at Microsoft it felt like the software giant has gotten its spark back.

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