Swedish Performance Championship update


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SMPC 2005 is under way and even if we still have a long way to we have already received some impressive scores, especially Marcus “Kinc” Hultin’s score of 18427 points in 3DMark 05. The Percentual Overlocking category is still calm, but we’ve gotten a new leader at 93%, Anders “GroundX” Olsson has moved his Duron 600 to 1160MHz. A good results, but we’ve heard some estimations from SMPC 2003 Percentual Overclocking champion Christoffer “Krook” Krook and he’s going for 175%, and we don’t think he will be alone up there.

We’ve also launched the new performance / price category where anyone with a PC costing les than 7000SEK can participate where you perform three tests and your total score is summed up; SuperPi, Percentual Overclocking and 3DMark 05.

We’ve seen some very interesting systems, containing both Opterons and Dothans, e.g. our own crew member Jonas “Mean Machine” Klar has been trying out his new Opteron UP146 paired with a X800GTO in the forum (Thread can be found here).

As soon as we see some new impressive scores, which we will, we will make sure to keep you updated.

//NordicHardware crew

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