Back in August of last year we reported on the research at TDK Corporation for a more efficient read head for mechanical harddrives. The technology would make it possible to create platters with 640GB capacity, which is considerably more than the 500GB platters we have to suffice with today. By using four platters, like the modern  2TB harddrives, you can achieve 2.5TB storage capacity, but with five platters you can build 3.5″ harddrive with over 3TB of storage.

The read head sits on an arm hovering over the platters

Back then it said that the technology would be commercially available in the beginning of 2010 and we can now confirm that the first harddrives using the technology are to be decided in March. it won’t be until October/November that the majority of the harddrive makers are expected to let loose their 2.5TB models, and perhaps later on even 3TB+ harddrives.

Already this month TDK’s more efficient storage technology will be brought into the 2.5″ segment where new storage platters sporting 375GB capacity are getting ready for use by harddrive manufacturers.

tdk roadmap

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14 Årtal sedan

Hm. I’m considering buying a new harddrive for my NAS thingy. WD 1.5 or Fujitsu F3 1.5? That is the question..

Or, wait a month, two? Will prices drop?

14 Årtal sedan

Why not grab a 2TB WD Caviar Green drive? I use those in all of my NAS and file servers and they are amazing. 64mb of cache and they stay extremely cool. In fact I’ve got an older 750gb seagate drive that runs about 3-4c warmer than the 2TB green drives. Is the 2TB significantly more expensive than the 1.5tb drives?

14 Årtal sedan

You can find a Hitachi DeskStar 7K1000.C 1TB ( HDS721010CLA332 ) cheaply on ebay:

I don’t know how good/reliable these are though…

14 Årtal sedan

WD 2TB 64MB cache costs €172 (EARS), while WD20EAD S (32MB cache) costs €160.

The WD 1.5 or Fujitsu 1.5 costs €95 or so.