They hope to get large orders from third world countries who wants to give its younger generation better possibilities for the future and use the computer a tool for learning. The specifications are hardly impressive but considerng the price it’s very impressive they have managed to create a working computer at all. “Not surprisingly, the tiny laptop will be a stripped-down affair, usable for basic word-processing, Internet, and e-mail. It has no hard drive, instead using flash memory like that in a digital camera. The processor, from AMD, runs at a pokey 500 megahertz.”Already yesterday we could report about that Nick Negroponte’s project One Laptop Per Child would reach a milestone through the first demonstration of the portable computer it has designed for only 100 USD. Now the portable computer has been displayed at a UN sponsored technology conference in Tunisia and this is the first time we’ve seen a working prototype. As we’ve written earlier is is a very simple computer constructed to be as cheap and easy to use as possible. The goal with the project One Laptop Per Child is just what it sounds like, ship computers to all the underpriviliged kids in the third world.
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