AMD was pretty cocky earlier and proclaimed it would be first to launch a graphics card at 28nm. Despite that we have received more information from NVIDIA, and its Kepler architecture. The first models from the 600 series has popped up and are most likely based on GK107.
NVIDIA will like AMD have working engineering samples of the new architecture at 28nm, and has chosen a different strategy than what is tradition for NVIDIA. It started development at 40nm with smaller test circuits that was found in G210, GT 220 and GT 240, to pave the way for Fermi and GTX 480. Before that the company has most often released the biggest circuits first on a new node, and then work it’s way down.
Kepler will offer up to three times the DP (Double Precision) GLFOPS per watt, over Fermi
NVIDIA chooses to treat Kepler the same way, as NVIDIA’s first signs of life with 28nm is a circuit called GK107. Something that hints of a low-end circuits like GF119 and GF118 found in mobile circuits like GT 520M and GT 540M. The latest NVIDIA drivers reveal two new lines in the Kepler family:
- NVIDIA_DEV.1058.01 = “NVIDIA GeForce 610M”
- NVIDIA_DEV.0DE9.01 = “NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M”
We still don’t know when the first graphics cards bsed on 28nm will appear. There is talk about everything from early January to late Q1 or early Q2. It at least looks like both NVIDIA and AMD will start with smaller circuits and then climb in size. Judging from previous leaks it seems both will target the mobile market first.
Source: VR-Zone