ULi is a Taiwanese chipset manufacturer and daughter company to the better known ALi. ULi has now launched the first chipset offering both AGP 8X and PCIe x16 support at the same time on one board. A unique solution that is probably going to be highly appreciated by many. At Anandtech they’ve taken a closer look at a reference board with ULis M1695 chipset and teh results are the least to say promising. The performance is up to par with the competition, no matter if you use AGP or PCIe graphic cards and the only thing that seems to let them down is the overlocking potential that wasn’t much to brag about with this reference board. We can assure you we are looking forward to seeing boards based on ULi M1695 up here in the north, and at the same time see what the mainboardmanufacturers can make out of this chipset.
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