Apple‘s share of the computer market isn’t much to put up against the PC segment, but its Mac family has been doing very well the last year or so and most surveys point to that Apple is increasing its share. It has now managed to gain an even bigger following when Wilkes University in Pennsylvania, USA, has confirmed that it will replace its PC arsenal with Mac dittos. All in all, 1700 will be exchanged for 1450 Macs. The key was Apple’s new Intel platform and its BootCamp software, which makes it possible to run Windows on a Mac.
“Rather than take bids from the usual PC suspects – Dell and HP – as well as Apple, Wilkes decided to go all-Apple because the new Intel-based models and the Boot Camp dual-boot software – would let the school reduce the number of machines campus-wide. “This is an aggressive technology refresh,” Byers said.”
This is the major reason for now only needing 1,450 computers instead of 1700. The University expects to save more than $150,000 this way. This is certainly good news for Apple, which most likely had these kinds of scenarios in mind when it launched its BootCamp software.