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VIA has so finally unleashed its new microarchitecture code-named Isaiah. The processor series based on the Isaiah architecture will be known as Nano and according to VIA, Nano offers up to four times the performance of previous VIA processors, while still staying in the same power envelope. Nano is also pin-compatible with the current C7 series, which should ensure a smooth and friction-free transition for partners and OEMs.

Isaiah is an x86 64-bit, superscalar, speculative out-of-order architecture and is actually VIA’s first real mainstream desktop processor. While it’s certainly not meant to compete with Intel’s or AMD’s desktop processors, it will go to battle with Intel’s Atom series.

“VIA Nano processors represent the next generation of x86 technology, providing the fundamental building blocks for a new genre of optimized computing solutions,” said Wenchi Chen, President and CEO, VIA Technologies, Inc. “‘Small is Beautiful’ is more than a design strategy; it’s our vision of where the PC market is heading and our new processors will help the market realize that dream.”

The Nano processors will be made by Fujitsu using its 65nm process and the whole nanoBGA2 package measures a mere 441mm². Each Nano processor comes with 1MB L2 cache and the first models will be as shown by the table below;

Model Name Clock Speed VIA V4 Bus Maximum Power
(TDP Max)
Idle Power
Nano L2100 1.8GHz 800MHz 25W 500mW
Nano L2200 1.6GHz 800MHz 17W 100mW
Nano U2400 1.3+GHz 800MHz 8W 100mW
Nano U2500 1.2GHz 800MHz 6.8W 100mW
Nano U2300 1.0GHz 800MHz 5W 100mW
We’re aware that the model numbering looks a bit odd, but this is how they were presented

There is a number of features VIA highlights in its press relase;

  • 64-bit Superscalar Speculative Out-Of-Order MicroArchitecture: Supports a full 64-bit instruction set and provides for macro-fusion and micro-fusion functionality, and sophisticated branch prediction for greater processor efficiency and performance.

  • High-Performance Computation and Media Processing: The high-speed, low power VIA V4 Front Side Bus starting at 800MHz, plus a high floating point unit, support for new SSE instructions, and two 64KB L1 caches and 1MB exclusive L2 cache with 16-way associativity gives a big boost to multimedia performance.

  • Advanced Power and Thermal Management: Aggressive management of active power includes support for the new “C6” power state, Adaptive PowerSaver™ Technology, new circuit techniques and mechanisms for managing the die temperature, reducing power draw and improving thermal management.

  • Scalable Upgrade to VIA C7™ Processor: Pin-to-pin compatibility with current VIA C7 processors enables a smooth transition for OEMs and mainboard vendors, enabling them to offer a wider range of products for different markets with a single board or system design.

  • Greener Technology: In addition to full compliance with RoHS and WEEE regulations, product manufacturing will be halogen-free and lead-free at launch, helping to promote a cleaner environment and more sustainable computing.

  • Enhanced VIA PadLock™ Security Engine: Industry-leading on-die hardware cryptographic acceleration and security features, including dual quantum random number generators, an AES Encryption Engine, NX-bit, and SHA-1 and SHA-256 hashing.

      And as always point out the encryption capabilities of its processors, something which the competition lacks;

        AMD Phenom Intel Core 2 Intel Atom VIA C7 VIA Nano
      Secure Hash No No No Full SHA-1 & SHA-256 Full SHA-1 & SHA-256
      Buffer Overflow NX Bit NX Bit NX Bit NX Bit NX Bit
      On-Die Encryption No No No Full AES en/decryption RSA acceleration CBC, CFB-M, AC, CTR modes 25Gb/s peak Full AES en/decryption RSA acceleration CBC, CFB-M, AC, CTR modes 25Gb/s peak
      Random Number Generation (RNG) No No No 2 Enhanced Hardware RNGs up to 12Mb/s
      Feeds output to SHA engine
      2 Enhanced Hardware RNGs up to 12Mb/s
      Feeds output to SHA engine

      Isaiah’s strength is of course its performance per watt ratio, more than its raw computing power. Even though it features a number of things not even available with competing processors, the numbers is what’s going to attract new partners. VIA has submitted comparisons with both Celeron-M 520 (1.6GHz) and VIA C7 to show off the power of Nano;

      • Performance statistic based on overall score on OfficeBench 2007
      • TDP for 1.6GHz Celeron-M = 31 watts; TDP for 1.6GHz VIA Nano = 17 watts
      • OS = Windows Vista Enterprise

      Last but certainly not least we’ve come across this block diagram of the Isaiah architecture for those of you who are a bit more tech-savvy.

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