Western Digital has launched a new harddrive named WD8088AADS, which sport some rather puzzling specifications. With its SATA2 interface and 32MB memory buffer it looks like pretty much any harddrive, but with two platters weighing in at 500GB each the total storage capacity becomes a bit of a riddle, it’s namely limited to 808.8GB.
The reason for not using the maximal capacity is most likely that the manufacturing process of the new platters still needs some tuning. All platters are not 100% functional and this is a way for Western Digital to sell subpar platters in fully functional drives.
The reason for going with exactly 808.8GB capacity in China is related to Lady Luck. In China the number 8 is thought to be lucky and it is no coincidence that the Sumer Olympics opened on 08-08-08 at 08 PM in Peking last year.
Western Digital is selling the new drive using the slogan;
“All the Way Lucky with 8″
Whether WD’s new lucky harddrive will protect you against hackers or perhaps requires no backups is something we’d rather not comment on.