XGI Volari 8300 is the latest graphic circuit launched by a manufacturer other than ATI or NVIDIA. Recently S3 Graphics launched its Chrome S20-series but now it’s time for XGI. XGI is, according to them, the world’s third largest graphic circuit manufacturer, but the last time we heard from XGI it was with its earlier Volarie-series which was crushed by the critics. Now it has given it another try and launched Volari 8300. Volari 8300 is made with 130nm technology and supports DirectX 9.0 and Shader Model 2.0. The circuit uses 64MB of memory and through a technology called “eXtreme Cache” it will be able to use the computer’s system memory over the PCI Express-bus.
XGI Volari 8300 is’nt looking all that impressive on paper performance wise but at the same time XGI has spent a lot of time on the 2D-video features to become an alternative for Media Center systems. It supports HDTV-uppspelning, although only up to 1280x720p but with deinterlacing and other image quality enhancing technologies.
XGI Volari 8300 will be launched as both a desktop model and a mobile version to cover both markets. Whether XGI will do better with its new Volari-series than the previous remains to see. But then again it’s hard to say no to more competition.
XGI Volari 8300 specifications;