Tweaktown found 8 boards based on NVIDIA’s nForce2 chipset, and put them into a test; The boards were ABIT NF7-M, ABIT NF7-S, Albatron KM18G Pro, Chaintech 7NJS Zenith, EPoX 8RDA+, Gigabyte 7NNXP, Shuttle AN35-400S and Soltek SL-75MRN. The boards range from mATX format (Albatron board) to normal size boards, from feature packed (Chaintech Zenith, Gigabyte) to bare boards (Epox, Soltek).
Gigabyte’s 7NNXP comes as winner out of the test;
“The 7NNXP for the first nForce2 board from the Gigabyte labs is a must have. Performance is fantastic, brilliant overclocking ability hitting a max of 252MHz FSB, additional add-on features are all that you could want, and the use of the APU produces great sound all round.”
Read the full review here.