Well, ATi fight back against nVidia by releaseing Mobility Radeon 9600. I was a little bit surprised when I saw the press release in my inbox, ATi showed us this product last month but told us not to mention it for quite a while. This might be a direct reaction against “FX Go” which was revealed earlier, who knows. Anyway, Mobility Radeon 9600 is based on RV350 which we looked at here.
In addition to the specifications you’ve read about above, the card has “Overdrive”, a software function that underclocks, or even overclocks the card depending on the temperature and powersupply. Other “mobile-specific” optimizations is of course included and ATi promises the same low power consumption as the precursor Mobility Radeon 9000 which is very impressive. Except this, the card has also support for GDDR2-M, a version of DDR2 for laptops.
Which is best of Mobility Radeon 9600 and GeForce FX Gp 5600? This remains to see. NH might be able to acquire some nice review samples… We haven’t got a release date for this card either, but don’t expect to see the cards in store “tomorrow”.
Read more here.
Rage3D has released their preview with included benchmarks here.
I must say that we’re a little confused as we’ve been sitting on the same information but kept it to ourselves because of a deal with ATi. A deal which seems to be outdated.