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AMD released its RS780 chipset in China this week and and over at OCWorkbench they’ve published a couple of benchmarks with the integrated graphics processor. RS780 is the successor to the AMD 690G chipset, and judging from the first benchmarks there is huge difference between the two. Overall, RS780 is twice as fast as 690G and in 3DMark06, RS780 whips 690G by 261%.

This is still a integrated graphics processor, which means that the actual performance is still far from breathtaking, but we can’t complain about the performance improvement. Now all we need is a full review of AMD RS780.

3DMARK05 @690G=1105, @RS780=2495
Vista Experience Index @690G=3.1, @RS780=3.5
FEAR DEMO @690=15FPS, @RS780=29FPS
3DMARK 06 @690G : score=321, SM2:147, HDR/SM3=0, CPU
score = 1860
3DMARK 06 @RS780: Score=1162, SM2:380, HDR/SM3=441, CPU score 1869

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