AMD has been focusing on its dual-core processors for the last couple of months, and of course its new Barcelona architecture; the core of AMD’s first quad-core processors. AMD has more than that up it sleeve though, as it has now launched a pair of single-core processors. The new models are a part of AMD’s Athlon LE series, which are designed for budget systems with relatively low power consumption. Athlon LE-1600 and LE-1620 have already appeared in stores across the globe. They have TDPs of 45 W and 65 W respectively, and 1MB of L2 cache.
Athlon LE-1620 has a clock frequency of 2.4 GHz while LE-1600 runs at 2.2 GHz. Both processors have 940 pins that fits into Socket AM2 motherboards and are made with 65 nm technology. The new processors have recommended prices of $50 and $45 USD respectively.