Apple has launched docking stations for its iPods in various appearances and not just for charging but also for connecting to external sound systems and similar things. Today, Apple use a proprietary connector which is simply fitted into the docking stations. A solution many manufacturers use and even if it works rather well there are several limitations with this system. The docking station rarely works with devices of other dimensions and the players has to, no matter what function, dock at the bottom. Apple seems to be working on a new docking interface though, an interface which would eliminate all of these problems and the solution is based on inductance.
It all comes down to, more or less, that the docking station and media player will each have conductive connectors that can transfer both power and data when touching to each other.
“When electrical contacts are used, the electrical contacts may be implemented in connectors and/or they may be surface or flush mounted on the housings of the portable electronic device and the docking station,” Apple said of traditional docking methods. “In either case, each device includes a set of corresponding contacts that when in contact allow data and power to be transferred therethrough.”
This would result in a much simpler integration between iPods and their docking stations. At the same time Apple is working on another version of the technology that will allow for practically wireless transfers of power and data. Here the induction coils are hidden inside the players and the docking station, which means that there is no need for a direct connection to charge or synchronize the player.
“The data and power inductors may be separate, integral or they may be superimposed on one another. In another implementation, power is transferred via an inductance-based system and data is transferred via a wireless system. The combination of inductance and wireless provides an efficient way to transfer both power and data while keeping both the docking station and portable electronic device fully enclosed.”
Exactly how far Apple has come, the story doesn’t tell, simply because this information comes from its patent applications, but it certainly sounds like Apple has something truly impressive coming. More information about the new docking technology can be found at Apple Insider.