[H]ardOCP har tidigare varit en av de få medier som stårr bakom nVidia under allt snack om optimeringar och/eller fusk. Nu helt plötsligt vänder de helt om och riktar svidande kritik mot nVidia:
“Is NVIDIA on a mission to see just how badly they can upset the enthusiast community that helped put them in the position they are in today?
“I am sorry, but I have now had enough. NVIDIA needs to fess up to their actions publicly. NVIDIA needs to apologize for their actions publicly. NVIDIA needs to spell out the corrections they are going to make publicly. NVIDIA needs to make the community aware of the optimizations they will make that affect benchmark scores in games and synthetics. NVIDIA needs to treat the community with the respect they deserve. If they do not, the enthusiast community needs to go spend their money with the competition and urge all the people that ask them for buying advice to do the same.”
Väldigt hårda ord från en person som nyss höll nVidia om ryggen när företaget fick ta svidande kritik för optimeringar i UT2003 och 3DMark03. Kanske är det även så at [H]ardOCP själva märkte att de entusiaster som de värnar om vände sig mot dem och nu “tvagar” de sig genom att göra denna omvändning?
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