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NVIDIA’s G8x series will soon be expanded with new circuits for the mid-range and low-end segments. Using NVIDIA’s coming G84 and G86 circuits the new DirectX 10 architecture will finally arrive on a broad front and during CeBIT the graphics card manufacturers have presented their first creations. MSI is one of these and it has displayed cards based on the GeForce 8600GT, GeForce 8500GT and GeForce 8300 circuits during the week that has passed. The focus has been on DirectX 10 and the HDMI support.

“MSI was showing both GeForce 8600 GT and GeForce 8500 GT parts with interesting aftermarket cooling solutions. There were two 8600 GT cards, one diamond and one standard, and a GeForce 8500 GT too. Both G84 and G86 support HDMI, and one of the GeForce 8600 GT cards had an HDMI connector.”

We’re eager to see more of NVIDIA’s new G8x series, especially in comparison to AMD’s coming R6xx series, as we will now finally have DX10 support in the mid-range and low-end segments. At Bit-Tech they’ve managed to catch a glimpse of MSI’s new graphics cards and several of them are using specially designed coolers, in other words; not reference cards.

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