Nehalem is the next new microarchitecture from Intel. It’s slated for arrival sometime during the second half of 2008, although we hear that things are going well and that we should perhaps expect near-final samples during the summer. Japanese news site PCWatch has now published a series of slides showing the structure of the different processors based on the Nehalem architecture, but also the basic layout of QuickPath Interconnect in dual-, quad and octo-processor configurations. Nehalem will sport several significant changes compared to the Core architecture. First of all we have the integrated memory controller, but also the fact it opens up the possibility of integrating a GPU into the actual processor.
We earlier reported about how Intel was ditching single-cores and launch a new entry series called Celeron E1000, which is be dual-core processor series. The entry and mainstream Nehalem models will be dual-core, while the performance models will be quad-core. Intel also has plans for an octo-core processor, but by the looks of it this will be a MP server processor. It would be sweet though if the next, next, etc. Extreme model would be an octo-core.
Below are some of the slides from PCWatch;