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A team of scientists consisting of researchers from University of the Basque Country, Freie-Universität of Berlin and European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility, led by Ángel Rubio, have published an article in Physical Review Letters where they suggest a new technology for how to define a qubit. They say that we should use a circular structure from a Terahertz laser interacting with a metallic ring. This metallic structure has created has in turn been grafted through simple and proven lithographic technologies. The advantages are, as you may have guessed, the lower productions costs and the overall simple structure, but the method is still under development.

IF they would be able to control the qubits in this way it would be a big step closer to quantum computers and open up whole new possibilities, but so far it’s just a matter of an experiment that have shown some very promising results.

The article can’t be accessed without a subscription, if you don’t want to buy it of course, but if you’re lucky it may be available through the local University Library. The article is published in Physical Review Letters 98, 157404 (2007). Abstract is available online here.

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