Nu är det än en gång dags för nya drivrutiner, Nvidia har lanserat drivrutinen Geforce 398.82 WHQL som inkluderar optimeringar för nya heta spelsläpp som Monster Hunter: World och den senaste expansionen till World of Warcraft.
Nvidias senaste drivrutin 398.82 WHQL kommer med en rad uppdateringar vad gäller kompatibilitet med de senaste spelsläppen och en rad generella problem har även åtgärdats.
Bland annat lägger drivrutinen till ökat stöd för World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth och Monster Hunter: World. Även uppdaterade SLI-profiler för Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 samt World of Warcraft.
Ett problem där användare nyttjat både G-Sync HDR och Windows HDR samtidigt i World of Warcraft: Legion som resulterat i att felaktiga färger visats i spelet har åtgärdats. Likaså åtgärdar drivrutinen ett problem där kontrollpanelen för G-Sync saknats hos datorer som använder sig av G-Sync Surround.
Klicka på spoilern nedanför för att läsa den fulla innehållsförteckningen för Geforce 398.82 WHQL.
Geforce 398.82 WHQL
Game Ready
Provides the optimal gaming experience for World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth and Monster Hunter: World.
Application SLI Profiles
Added or updated the following SLI profiles:
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
- World of Warcraft
3D Vision Profiles
Added or updated the following 3D Vision profiles:
- Monster Hunter World – Not recommended
Added or updated the following compatibility mode profiles:
- Monster Hunter World – Excellent
Fixed Issues in this Release
- [Surround][G-SYNC]: In Surround mode, the G-SYNC link in the NVIDIA Control Panel is missing. [200425004]
- [Surround]: 1×3 Surround configuration cannot be set from the NVIDIA Control Panel. [200415178]
- [SLI][GeForce GTX 1080][G-SYNC][World of Warcraft: Legion][HDR]: Severe color corruption appears in the game after launching with the Windows HDR setting enabled. [200418344]
- [SLI][Dark Souls Remastered]: Ghosting occurs in the game when using in-game temporal anti-aliasing.[2218297]
- [NVIDIA Control Panel][Surround]: NVIDIA Surround hot keys do not work. [200394749]
- [Dead by Daylight][GeForce Experience]: NVIDIA Freestyle does not work with the game. [2116198]
- [GeForce GTX 1080 Ti][GameStream]: White dots may appear while Gamestreaming on overclocked GPU. [2194899]
- [Unreal Engine 4]: Resource creation leak occurs in the driver when running Unreal Engine 4 games. [2204854]
- [Wolfenstein II]: Graphical effects are missing in the game. [2248780]
- [G-Sync][Multiple Apps]: Applications don’t run in IFlip when using the native resolution, preventing G-Sync from triggering. [200416974]
- [Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus]: Black textures appear in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. [200419742]
- [GeForce GTX 1080]: Dolby Vision no longer works after updating LG TV firmware to 4.70.x. [200420847]
Windows 10 Issues
- [G-SYNC]: Windowed G-Sync mode may stutter after upgrading to Windows 10 Spring Creators Update. [2097340]
- [Euro Truck Simulator 2][DirectX NVCamera]: Performance drop occurs after enabling Freestyle for the game. [200435356]
- [Netflix Edge Browser]: When playing a game in full-screen mode and playing a video from the Netflix Edge Browser, blue-screen crash occurs after multiple [Alt+Tab] switching between the two. [200415750] The issue does not occur when playing the Netflix video in a Chrome browser.
- [Firefox]: Cursor shows brief corruption when hovering on certain links in Firefox. [2107201]
Windowed G-Sync mode may stutter after upgrading to Windows 10 Spring Creators Update. [2097340]
- Random DPC watchdog violation errors occur when using multiple GPUs on motherboards with PLX chips. [2079538]
- Using power monitoring in GPU monitor tools causes micro stutter. [2110289/2049879]
Mer detaljerad information angående den nya drivrutinen finns att läsa i Nvidias .PDF som detaljerar drivrutinen ytterligare. Den nya drivrutinen finns nu att ladda ner via Nvidias hemsida.
Litet fel där… Allting under “Windows 10 issues” i er changelog är ju problem som fortfarande finns kvar, inte saker som fixats i denna version.