TheInquirer today reported about a company currently polishing a new and slimmed-down version of the operating system Windows XP. already offers a beta version of XPlite, which lets the user delete unnecessary plugins in the operatingsystem, and thus lower the size of the installation. There are, according to, a lot of other features in the final version of XPlite, which still aren’t availible in the beta version. The company made a slimmed version of Windows 98 before, which many of you probably know about, 98lite. However, it’s obvious that Windows XP is not as easy to optimize as Windows 98 regarding the size of installation.
“…as you can see we’re finally making progress. An XPlite installation stripped bare of all options is still MONSTROUS compared to 98lite… Don’t hold your breath waiting for a sub-100MB XP install as that is never going to happen.”
It’s still interesting to see a slimmed-down version Windows XP since the original is anything but small. With the possibilities to delete Internet Explorer, Outlook Express etc. it can be very interesting for you who uses a lot of third-party software.
Read more about XPlite at