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After that Nielsen/VideoScan published the sales figures for the two blue-laser formats Blu-ray and HD DVD where the first sold twice as good in January Sony plans to launch a new advertising campaign. It believes that the fresh sales figures clearly shows what format that’s taken command on the market and this is something it will now spread among the consumers. It’s namely convinced that the time has come to point out to the consumers that the format war is over and that Blu-ray is the choice for the future.

Sony is of course the most biased company on the planet when it comes to this question and even if the sales during January doesn’t lie this may very well be because there were twice as many Blu-ray movies launched that month. To be honest, the format war is far from over, but we can’t deny the fact that Blu-ray has been doing well lately.

“No more fence-sitting is needed… We have a critical mass of content, we have the biggest mass of consumer electronics companies in the world supporting this format. That has moved Blu-ray into the forefront.”

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