Sony and Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) have been quarrelling for some time now and the reason is quite obvious; PlayStation 3 and the loss it brings. SCE has been stubborn and refused any kind of price cuts to attract more customers, while Sony seems to want a price cut to increase demand. Recently published reports points to that Sony will now present the worst fiscal quarter report in more than four years. Sony may report a loss of $630 million USD, $80 million more than the same quarter last year. The culprit is SCE, which is expected to present a loss closer to a billion dollar and a yearly deficit close to 2 billion.
The big hole SCE has caused seems to be bigger than what the remaining income sources can fill, for example the LCD TV series Bravia and digital camera series CyberShot. There is more or less one person that have been put in the center of attention and it’s no one less than the relatively fresh VP Howard Stringer, which has promised to lead Sony into a better era, but so far he hasn’t been able to live up to the promises, at least not entirely. There have also been a lot of discussions about his arguments with the SCE, which earlier led to that the father of the PlayStation, Ken Kutaragi, left the board, which hardly improved the relationship.