Gartner analysts recently published a survey that expressed some concern regarding Wii’s ability to remain on the market for a longer period of time. It all comes down to that the console is designed for casual gamers and not the hardcore gamers, while it at the same time offers quite a lot lower resolutions than the competing consoles. After 6 months the console is still limited by the supply and according to another survey by Frank N. Magid Associates it seems that more Wii owners than Xbox 360 owners will be playing more in a year than today.
According to Gamasutra, the same survey pointed to that Wii was the console that had been declining the least since the launch, but since the supply is still the only factor deciding the sales, we can’t say for certain that the sales are actually declining.
In other words, we’re still hearing the same doomsday predictions and it’s a bit surprising (and amusing) that the analysts don’t trust their own statistics. We’re stating to wonder if there will ever be an analyst that dares to say that Nintendo has actually made something good and succeeded.
Wii and PlayStation 3 are the two consoles that gets the most attention from analysts and we’re pretty certain the people at Microsoft is fine with that. Xbox 360 has been moving very steady lately and the only thing missing is that it doesn’t generate money.