AMD has been fairly quiet regarding the performance of its coming microarchitecture Bulldozer. Lately more and more information have leaked poins to that AMD’s new performance processor will raise the bar significantly for the company, and more rumors seem to confirm this. Bulldozer is said to perform on par with Intel’s current hexa-core Gulftown processors.

The latest rumors were posted by Fudzilla, but are claimed to be from industry sources that has seen the first benchmarks starring AMD’s new architecture. As this hasn’t been confirmed it should be considered with a pinch of salt, but the source says that performance is really close to that of Intel’s Gulftown architecture with hexa-core Core i7-980X leading them.

Even if this is a CPU that launched almost a year ago it is still the fastest processor on the market, considering raw performance, even if Sandy Bridge is more efficient in single-threaded applications.

Would AMD Bulldozer perform on par with Intel’s Gulftown processors AMD has a good starting point before the Winter when Intel will launch the successor to Gulftown. Bulldozer with its CPU modules wll offer up to 8 cores and launch in the second half of 2011. The first circuits was developed under the code-name Zambezi and will be made with AMD’s all new 32nm technology.


Earlier rumors have stated that AMD is planning to re-introduce the enthusiast line FX with the launch of Bulldozer. This together with rumors of Bulldozer’s performance makes at least hope that we have some really well performing circuits coming from AMD. If it all turns out to be true AMD still has time to perfect performance.

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