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AMD has chosen follow in Intel’s footsteps to make the situation for its partners a but more bearable by creating somewhat of a standard for the current mainboards. In difference to Intel AMD doesn’t make its own mainboards, which to be honest Intel doesn’t either but it does let others make referenceboards for it, but in turn AMD does make reference circuits. A couple of years ago Intel started a policy promised its partners that no surprises would appear in a certain timeframe.

That way the partners could lean back and stop worrying about Intel launching new things making the situation for the consumers tough as the new products wouldn’t work with the current ones from the third party manufacturers.

AMD’s plans are so far just plans and even if we hope that it will succeed the situation feels a lot more complex than Intel had as it at least has its own chipsets to lean back on while AMD is completely reliant on the third party companies develop and design its own chipsets, from AMD’s references.

Source: The Inquirer

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